Thursday, May 10, 2018

the dawn of a new nation

Gone are the days when you think that you are the master and we are slaves,

Gone are the days when you can demand blind loyalty from us without asking,

Gone are the days when you can just take respect from us without earning,

Gone are the days when you can divide us with racial hatred,

Gone are the days when you can just throw money at us to comply,

Open your eyes to the new generation,

Spearheading the dawn of a new nation.

God bless the brave people of Malaysia.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

the politician

In the final push for votes, politicians from all sides will resort to any strategy possible to win the election. Bear in mind, there are instances whereby promises are made and broken immediately the next day. To clearly understand this creature called politician, let’s delve into his world for a clearer look.
“I am fighting for justice and transparency. I will go to the streets to bring my message across. A government should be transparent in its dealings and all forms of corruption should be eliminated. Politicians must be honorable and act in the best interest of the rakyat. I will fight for this manifesto till the last breath in my body. I think I should run for election to become a MP. The rakyat for sure will support my manifesto.
I run for election and guess what, I won! I am now an elected MP and I swear will uphold justice and fight for the rakyat. I will not be a corrupted office bearer like the rest of the politicians. This is the solemn promise I make to myself. I am meeting a lot of businessmen lately. Most are the prominent ones I have read about only in the newspapers previously. Now I can see them face to face. How cool is that! This is definitely a world that I am not accustomed to. It feels kind of awkward at first but I am slowly getting warmer in their presence. Wait, I cannot waste too much time on all these meetings only. I have a mandate to carry out. I need to go to my constituency to address the rakyat’s issue. Ok, let’s see what problems they are facing now. Drainage issues, unlicensed hawkers blocking the pathway, no land titles, no garbage collectors…..blah blah blah blah! My head is spinning now. So many issues and what is this about a particular race getting the end of the stick in terms of federal funding? How the heck am I going to solve that?

Well, think I could ask my fellow MPs that are more senior to help. They should have encountered such issues previously. Guess what, they are really helpful. In fact all those problems are solved in an instance! Talk about efficiency. They give me a wink and said, “You owe us one.” Well, so long the problems are solved and the rakyat is happy, I am fine with owing them a favor. Time to go back home and rest. The wife comes to me and says, “I got a job offer in this big corporation.” Wow, that’s awesome and when I check out the corporation, it belongs to one of the prominent businessmen I met recently. Ok, guess I should thank him for his kindness later. Now back to the rakyat’s problems. Wait, now my eldest son comes to me and say, “My company is not doing well. Sales are down.” Man, what can I do? Wait, there is this government project procuring the exact materials my son’s company is selling. Maybe I could pull some strings and after all, he is my son and I am obliged to help him. Since I’m on my family’s affairs, I got this younger son just finished his SPM. Might as well get a government loan and send him to UK to further his studies. Better than using my own money and keep them for a rainy day later.

Time to get back helping the rakyat. At that moment, the prominent businessman that hired my wife rings me up. Lots of chit chats and finally he asks for a favor. He is having difficulties to secure a land for development. They are some people living there that refuse to move. Well, guess I’ll have to do this favor for him since he gave a plush job for my wife. With my contacts and some persuasion from my senior MPs, the land is his. The next morning my secretary calls me and says there is a donation of RM50K to my campaign fund, from the benevolent and appreciative prominent businessman. Cool, more money to help the rakyat. What I should build for the rakyat, a community hall perhaps? Before I could make up my mind, a senior MP calls. He says there is some issue regarding an audit or something on his constituency’s local council and required RM50K immediately, no question ask. Well, he did a lot of favors for me so why not. There will be other opportunity to build the community hall anyway.

Hey, why the rakyat is swarming my operation center demanding to meet me? What’s going on? They look angry. I wonder why they are accusing me of not doing enough for them. Me, fighting for justice and helping them, they are still not content. These crazy people. The drains got clogged also they come to me. Don’t they know I got much more pressing problems to attend. I need to help my party to win the by-election announced recently. This win will consolidate my party’s position in the Parliament. Must win by all cost. Wonder what I can do to help? Oh yeah, my uncle is the president of an association in that area. He is very influential there and with his help, the people will definitely vote for my party. I notify the party leaders about this and they have a heart to heart talk with my uncle. Election day came and my party won hands down! My uncle is jumping up and down in joy. Wonder which makes him happier, my party’s win or the Datukship he gets the following day.

Guess I wasted enough time to please my family members and friends. Time to get back to more pressing issues like rakyat’s welfare. Wait, these people are just ingrates and can’t really satisfy their voracious demands. To hell with them! Getting sick and tired of being a politician. My wife and sons are earning well and my MP friends are asking me to join their venture that has secured massive contracts from the government. Judging by the package, I will be able to support my family for three generations. I’m game!

Wait, what am I suppose to do as a politician again in the first place?”
As illustrated, the politician is no different compared to an ordinary rakyat. They have feelings and wants for self, family and friends as well. Therefore the rakyat should read between the lines when a politician has crossed the line and no longer acting as a representative for the welfare of the people. Do not be afraid to dump these politicians as changes will only benefit the rakyat as a whole. Let these politicians work hard again to secure votes. Following a tagline with a little twist; let politicians screw politicians.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and does not relate to any event or person both living and dead.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

a chinese conundrum

It is getting harder being a Chinese nowadays in Malaysia especially during the General Election season. The community as usual, has been bombarded with countless allegations and stereotyping and being made to look like the boogeyman. From being materialistic, ungrateful and to the extent of being racist. Let’s digest this issue rationally to determine if there are any truth in those said behaviors in the community.

The Chinese is a unique race, basically the only race that can be found in every corners of the earth. There is an intrinsic characteristic within the Chinese whereby they will go, follow and stay at any place that enables them to generate wealth. To a certain extent, being materialistic could be true. How about being ungrateful and racist?

As stated, the Chinese can be found basically everywhere around the world. These countries are governed by different races. Therefore this can conclude that the Chinese has no problem to be ruled by a non-Chinese. As seen in Malaysia, since the year 1957, the Chinese community has been supporting Barisan Nasional steadfastly that is led by Malay leaders. The loyalty for decades cannot be dismissed wantonly. Only in the year 2008, the winds of change happened. Why is this so? Suddenly the community becomes ungrateful overnight? If a person is diligent enough to investigate the events months before, then the person will see all those horrible allegations of corruption that is so massive that can even give an elephant a heart attack. The change therefore has nothing to do with being ungrateful or racist but “attacked” the materialistic side of the Chinese; whereby the conducive environment of searching wealth in the country is perceived to be in danger.

Instead of addressing the perception and allaying the fears of the Chinese, the ruling BN government continued business as usual with tons and tons of corruption allegations cropping up in the domestic front and even in the international arena! The perception continued and the panic caused another political tsunami in the year 2013.

In summary, it is therefore unfair to label the Chinese community here of being ungrateful. If you attack the rice bowl of a person that is trying to feed his family, of course the person will fight back ferociously. When comes to being racist, we can crudely put it, even if an aspiring Prime Minister is purple in color, if he can bring wealth to the country the Chinese will still vote him into power.